The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128761   Message #3125453
Posted By: maeve
31-Mar-11 - 08:22 AM
Thread Name: MoreGoodMojoPleaseJanie'sDad(Passed31Mar)(Mom)
Subject: RE: BS: More Good Mojo Please Janie's Dad (Mom)
Good morning, Janie. We have a bucket loader full of snow coming to us tomorrow, but Spring will again poke up her pretty head.

There's a special feeling of grace those helpers can bring to the home-in-need, underneath an outward ordinary appearance. Let them be kind to you. They will absorb some of your family's kindness and wisdom and love, as well, multiplying all three to be given to another family, and another. You are their recharging station, just as they are your gracious conductors and porters on this energy-rich, solar powered train ride.

Love to you,
