The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57525   Message #3125775
Posted By: reggie miles
31-Mar-11 - 04:48 PM
Thread Name: Does anyone have opinions of
Subject: RE: Does anyone have opinions of
Yep, I got opinions. You probably ain't gonna like 'em but I'm gonna key 'em anyway. You axed for it.

This company was started by someone truly bent on innovation. Via his unconventional approach, he was able to spearhead this company concept into the marketing giant that it eventually became.

Here's the bad part of success, once achieved, it becomes the envy of all who labor in view of it. Those who envy success in business, for the profit it can bring, covet those businesses that can create it.

CD Baby became profitable by providing a unique opportunity to their clients and customers. Their client's (musicians) profits grew along with the profits and popularity of CD Baby's innovative marketing and operations. CD Baby became the envy of every other company because they (CD Baby) chose to do what others refused to do, be different, be unique, be innovative.

It's unfortunate that the present owner of CD Baby, a Cd replication company, is so clueless with regard to that simple underlying principle. The first thing that the new owner did was to ignore everything that made CD Baby different and then go about trying to make CD Baby like every other company online.

For instance, the old CD Baby had 2 minute song clips available for each song posted to their site. The new CD Bad Baby determined that 30 second song clips were "what everyone else online was using". So, that's what the new CD Bad Baby owner decided to force everyone, on their CD Bad Baby site, to use. I can think of no other single factor that has decreased my sales at that site more than this, but that's probably just because I don't know what else they've done to screw things up.

In the hurry to gentrify this company and fix what wasn't broken, the new CD Bad Baby has sent my Cd sales directly into the toilet, to be flushed into obscurity down that long sewer pipe of no return. Gee, thanks for that great forethought and business moxie! Just because someone knows how to build and run a company that reproduces Cds, that doesn't mean that they have a clue regarding how to run or build a company that markets and sells Cds for musicians to listeners. The two business ideas are not the same.

This same principle has been used to destroy many many companies over the years. For example, the giant soft drink makers, you know their names, have ruined the unique flavors being produced by many independent makers of soft drinks. First, they buy up the competition and then, they change the formulas of those drinks. The differences are apparent enough, to those who loved the original formulas. Those that once were fans of the independent drinks lose interest in the "new" improved flavors.

That's how the major companies destroy the market share once possessed by those unique soft drink flavors. They turn what used to be a delightful beverage into a boring one. Then, they phase out the product, due to low sales demand. That, then leaves only those soft drinks that the major companies decide are worthy to put on the market. It's a way of gentrifying the market.

I didn't place my Cds for sale at CD Baby because CD Baby was just like every other marketing concept online. I went there because they were like me, different and being different helped them to become successful. If I wanted to be a part of what everyone else was doing online, it would have been a simple matter to join up with them, but that's not what I wanted to do. So, I didn't go that route.

Yes, I could shine my shoes, cut my hair off, throw away my faded, torn up blue jeans, put on a suit, a tie, a polyester blend button down shirt, get a-j-o-b and punch a clock. Then, I'd have enough money to buy a fancy, brand new, shiny, store bought guitar, that I could play when I wasn't workin' my 9 to 5. Somehow, I just don't think that's gonna happen any time soon.