The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136314   Message #3125927
Posted By: Donuel
31-Mar-11 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Japan Nuclear plant disaster, 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Nuclear plant disaster looming
Mankind at large or just the people you know, will only make large changes in their lives when confronted by crises.

What constitutes a crises is a devestating event or catastrophe.

After the Japan Meltdowns, it is crucially important that the industry spokes people shall not get away with business as usual.

Toning down the tragic permanent harful events now and for millions of years to come, with rhetoric that calls opponents of nuclear power chicken littles or hysterical ignoramuses, must be shouted down and the spokes people condemned for their heinous lies.

Losing the moment that can realisticly stop the next dozen or more disasters must not be allowed to slip through our fingers.

When you here rhetoric such as once in a 17,000 year probability, call the perpetrator of that remark immediately. We have proof of two 17,000 year accients within 3 days of each other.

When comparisons of radioactivity to TVs and bananas and healthy sunshine are heard, make it cleart we are speaking of fetal mutation and life crippling cancers and food that makes you sick kind of radiation.

When the lie "No one has ever been killed by a nuclear power plant", simply call them a liar to their face. You do not need to list each individual or each case of disaese, calling them a liar for what ever reason they have chosen to lie, is all that need be said.

The liars for nuclear energy who go over the top on a regular basis for the private corporate owners come in the form of self proclaimed independant interest groups and self declared scientists. They have their astro turf websites and fake pictures on their site.
They are the pied pipers of continual death and horrible disfigurment and mutation.
Do what ever you can to help them change.

This is a crises, this is a disaster, this is a critical time in which the death peddlers will tell all manner of lies to preserve their former way of life. Well not at the expense of our food, our lives and the future of all children and all species on Earth.

The lasting effects of this showdown has the importence of lasting a million years, even if it is then buried under 12 meters of crust or silt by that time.

You have seen media regularly call any person who has seen a very unusual event or refer to a ufo as having lost their marbles. Do not allow the facts of nuclear disasters and near disasters to be cast as fiction by cowardly kooks.

Do not let this event get swift boated, global warming hoaxed, without the strongest rehetorical response. I am not saying proponents of nuclar power are like Randy Newman's 'short people who have no reason to live'. I am just saying that corporate nuclear proponents are helping decisions to be made that render your life having no reason to continue without cancer, child mutation, sterility, conception problems and horrible disfigurment which I know first hand due to the radiactive Iodine poisoning of my half sister Carol Ann Siddens.