The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26157   Message #312602
Posted By: Joe Offer
05-Oct-00 - 04:38 AM
Thread Name: 'Offensive' words in song lyrics
Subject: RE: 'Offensive' words in song lyrics
Well Steve, I'd have to say that "Chink" is pretty offensive, certainly more than "Gerry" or "Eyetie" or "Brit" (Is "Brit" offensive?). Still, considering the historical context, I think you're almost bound to use the word "Chink" if that's the word that was originally used. I think it's horrible if we're forced to make historical accuracy subordinate to Political Correctness.
I don't use offensive terms in ordinary speaking and I will delete them from songs when they're not necessary, but I think you have a situation here where accuracy is important.
An example of where I will change a word is in "Shortnin' Bread" - I say "two little children," not "two little niggers" are lyin' in bed.
-Joe Offer-