The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110008 Message #3126307
Posted By: Folkiedave
01-Apr-11 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: Thank Goodness It's Folk - Radio
Subject: RE: Thank Goodness It's Folk - Radio
Thank Goodness It's Folk Playlist 01-04-2011
Couple of mini themes in the first half - there's a bit of an April/spring thing and a couple of alcohols in there towards the end. In between a couple from "A Banquet of Boxes" a new CD from Mrs. Casey's Music.
Sharon Shannon/Music for a Found Harmonium/Sharon Shannon Demon Barbers/Kiss Me Quick Me Mammy's Coming Set/Adventures of Captain Ward Show of Hands/AIG 2/Covers 2 Norma Waterson/April Morning/Bright Shiny Morning Chris Newman/Cardrona Spring/Stil Getting Away With It Bailey Sisters/Cuckoo/After Silence Music Jon Boden/April Queen/Songs From the Floodplain Notts Alliance/Perfumes of Arabia/Out of the Darkness Matt and Dan Quinn/No More Wabbits/Banquet of Boxes Dan Quinn/Bonny Bunch of Roses/Duck Soup Pete Coe/Sound of Hohner/Backbone Debra Cowan/Alcohol/Fond Desire Farewell David Parry/In Praise of Alcohol/Man From Eldorado Four Square/April Snowfall/ChronicLes
Second Half
It was really good to have old friends Sean Lakeman and Kathryn Roberts as guests along with their children, twins Lilly and Poppy and even Poppy singing.
Guidewires/Buoy M5/II Lilly Neill/Loftus Jones/The Collection Dave Burland/Willie More /Benchmark Kathryn Roberts+Sean Lakeman/Lord Gregory 1 Kathryn Roberts+Sean Lakeman/The Lambs on the Green Hills/1 Kathryn Roberts+Sean Lakeman/Red Barn/2 Cara Dillon/Johnny Lovely Johnny/Hill of Thieves Old Dance School/The Envelope/Forecast Karine Polwart/Sorry/That's Proper Folk Guidewires/The Eff Reels/II
And to you - if you have been - thanks for listening.