The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136825   Message #3126342
Posted By: Little Hawk
01-Apr-11 - 01:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Little Hawk ceases all fantasies!
Subject: BS: Little Hawk ceases all fantasies!
Okay, time to turn over a new leaf here and get serious.

No more Chongo Chimp stuff. No more Penelope Rutledge. No more Shane McBride.

No more imaginary stuff about romancing Winona Ryder or lionizing William Shatner. No more WSSBA.

No more lurid tales about incredible things my Dachshund has supposedly done.

No more breathless reports from Hector Ballsworthy about lizard people in high places in the British peerage, and no more primitive tirades from Olive Whatnoll.

Nope, it's time for Little Hawk to leave all that fantastic stuff behind him and become a serious folkie and a cultured liberal intellectual who only talks about serious and socially relevant matters of great import. I plan to model my behaviour on that of Ron Davies, buckle right down, and get totally serious about all the things that really matter. Gay marriage rights, for instance, will become a priority of mine from here on in.

I also intend to leave all speculative talk about spiritual matters, UFOs, the New World Order, and suchlike mysterious stuff behind me by modeling myself on Bill D and becoming the apotheosis of calm, sober rationality and scientific reason, backed up by FACTS, ladies and gentlemen! FACTS!!! I shall present reams of compelling statistical evidence to back up my every claim, and link to authoritative sources.

And it all starts today! Yessiree.


What are we gonna talk about now? ;-D