The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136821   Message #3126416
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
01-Apr-11 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who wants to tango
Subject: RE: BS: Who wants to tango
VaTam, like you I absolutely adore Morris, in fact I'm seriously addicted! I'd like to be able to do Molly dancing, I've been watching some on Youtube, (Mass Molly in Ely, Birds-a-building, to the tune of Rolling Home). I've watched it so often I think I could join in, and their costumes are great, all colours from charity shops, black faces, funny hats. I'd also love to be able to do Irish dancing (as in Riverdance) I sometimes have dreams that I'm doing these dances, and wake up so disappointed that it wasn't real! What a great idea of yours, this thread for LADIES!