The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3126738
Posted By: Jim Carroll
02-Apr-11 - 02:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
An observation on your behaviour here Keith.
Lively came up with evidence of further abuses and duely put up his reference for such.
You swooped on those like a vulture, cut-'n-pasted them in all their glory and put them on display in full view, like so many peices of meat on a butcher's slab, because "Lively's links might not last.".
You then squatted on your display of meat and crowed like a cock at your apparent triumph, daring us/me to come and view it.
You have done this throughout this thread; you have treated the individuals concerned, not as human victims of abuse, but as so many exhibits, pieces of evidence to your now openly stated case that Pakistani culture leads to paedophelia.
I think I can live comfortably with being described as deranged by such an individual who would sink as low as that to make such a case.
"There is lots of other dreadful crime for which other groups are responsible, but let us accept that this is a crime that the culture (not the religion) of the Pakistani community is largely responsible for."
Keith said this on Jan 24th 05.28pm. He has more or less confirmed it now - he has never withdrawn it.
As far as I am concerned this has been his case all along - it is a racist statement - or if not, why not?
Perhaps you would now like to comment on his dishonesty in editing Jack Straw's statement and removing the reference to these crimes having no racist connection, but rather criminal acts carried out by tesosterone filled young men who could have come from any background.
He also edited out "Pakistanis are not the only people who commit sexual offences and overwhelmingly sex offenders' wings are full of white offenders."
If Keith's concern is merely 'over-representation, WHY REMOVE SOMETHING SO ESSENTIAL TO THE WHOLE QUESTION?
I have not commented on the claimed over-representation of young Pakistani men in these crimes; I have stated from the beginning that I believe we have nowhere near enough information to arrive at any firm conclusions. I do have opinions on the reason, but they are as ill-informed as any that have been made so far, hence my reluctance to put them forward.
Jim Carroll