The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136495   Message #3126783
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
02-Apr-11 - 04:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bombing of Tripoli March-April, 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Bombing of Tripoli has just begun
It was wrong to go into Libya. It was not thought out properly and they seem to have completely overlooked the 'rebels' are nothing more than local people who've got carried away with a spur of the moment idea, rather than a pre-planned and well thought out decision, to take back their country.

They were saying today on BBC News how the rebels are now being given AK47s, with no training..and guess what, in their excitement (and hysteria) they're firing these things off, wounding and killing each other and themselves...They seemed to find this almost er...puzzling.

Puzzling? WHY would they be feeling that way????

I've not got all the ins and outs as to why we're over there, but I tell you this, it's got hardly anything to do with protecting yer average Libyan person in the street..I find it all quite sinister, to be honest..

Never mind, I expect that eventually MwaMwa and his government will all flee to......England...and set up home over here...and Mr. Al Libyani will take over, issue AK47s to ALL his citizens, increase the price of oil by 600% and life will be just hunkydory for everyone.

I wonder if we're going to give Mousa Kousa a Council House? I've heard there's one going next door to Chicken Licken here in Torquay...and apparently Turkey Lurkey and Henny Penny from Liverpool, have put in a request for him to come and live in their road, as they feel it would be great to buy Mousa Kousa an alcohol-free beer down at their local...

Oh dear me...what an horrendous palava, eh?