The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136851   Message #3127106
Posted By: JeffB
02-Apr-11 - 03:45 PM
Thread Name: Royal Oak/Turkish Man of War/Cpt Mansfield's Fight
Subject: RE: Origins: Turkish man of war
Looking again at the DT I notice that both The 23rd of February and The Twenty-fourth of February I just gave are both in the DT with these titles, i.e. one with a number and one written, which is a bit confusing as they are a long way apart on the list. I think songs would be easier to find if leading "the" and "a" were omitted from titles as well.

I should have added to Rank - the names of the "Turkish" ships is immaterial and I wouldn't expect them to be authentic. If they had names painted on the sides like European ships they would have been in Arabic script which would have been unreadable to a British sailor, and in any case unpronounceable if he could read them. Your Jack Tar might have made up a name based on a flag the ship was flying, or just thought of something off the top of his head.