The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136834 Message #3127320
Posted By: Backwoodsman
03-Apr-11 - 12:26 AM
Thread Name: Chord names in DADGAD
Subject: RE: Chord names in DADGAD
I learned the fingering for 'Caledonia' in CGCGCE from Dougie's instructional DVD. He doesn't 'name' the 'chords' - he just gives diagrams of the fingering and demonstrates how he does it. Works for me. It also shows how to play the all-important guitar figure which opens the song and appears between the verses, and in the 'right' tuning it sounds.....well, right (as indeed it should!).
I agree with Stu that the guitar parts of songs written for and in alternate tunings don't generally replicate well as chords in standard tuning. However, I have a friend who does 'Canadee-i-o' in Drop-D, and you'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference between it and Nic's recorded version (which I think is in CGCGCD, or summat similar). Having said that, my friend is an exceptionally gifted guitar player (unlike me!).