The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136859   Message #3127396
Posted By: Penny S.
03-Apr-11 - 04:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Norman yokes
Subject: BS: Norman yokes
I'm off to buy the Observer, as the radio has just reported on their report that the usurping Normans have still got their purloined wealth. Apparently, people with Norman surnames are still likely to have greater wealth than those with names derived from trades.

My parents had noticed the Norman-ness of such people as the owners of the big house with the gift of the living of the church, who would turn up at church on mass when the time came to select the new rector, blocking the sightlines for everyone else (being noticably taller than the yokels), but were never seen at any other time.

Je pense que Cameron n'est pas Normande par son nomme, mais Osborne est peut-etre un des Normandes sanglantes. Both assume the Norman right to ride roughshod over us poor bloody Anglo-Saxons and Celts. A bas les Normandes.
