The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136859   Message #3127432
Posted By: Penny S.
03-Apr-11 - 06:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Norman yokes
Subject: RE: BS: Norman yokes
Our current royals probably have Harold in their family tree, as his daughters married into Scandinavian royal families, and the Danes, who have not been afflicted by many changes of dynasty, have married into our royals many times.

But so what. Ditto Cameron. There is no such thing as royal blood. and after six generations back, the number of individuals in a tree exceed the number of chromosomes, so there is as much likelihood of inheriting from any particular person that finding a molecule of the "active" material in a homeopathic pill when you get back to the 11th century. Even factoring in all the intermarrying.

Cameron and Osborne give me the impression of having picked up the idea that they are born to rule without having done the training for the job. Even if they did PPE at uni. I don't think they have any idea what they are doing, and should read Alfred the Great on the subject.
