The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136859   Message #3127491
Posted By: MGM·Lion
03-Apr-11 - 07:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Norman yokes
Subject: RE: BS: Norman yokes
MtheGM - What a heritage! (Does she have any claim on Mayfair?)"
Well, Penny, that was my first wife, as I said, and she doesn't have any thing any more, because she has been dead 4 years; & my present, 2nd, wife's maiden name was Kelly!

But in fact Valerie was related to the Westminsters, but alas only illegitimately - her great-great-grandfather Richard Grosvenor, born about 1820, was an illegitimate son of one of the Westminster Grosvenors. So Cousin Gerald, as we always called him, would probably not have recognised much of a claim to Mayfair! But Grosvenor House, now!... Anyhow, as her parents were 2nd cousins, both descended from one of Richard's daughters [so two of Valerie's gt-grandmothers were sisters, both Miss Grosvenor before marriage], she had the heritage from both sides.

What I have never made out was where the "Godwin", which was her father's surname, came into it: could it really have been King Harold? Anyhow, if anyone had ever said his ancestors came over with Wm the Conqueror, she could always have replied that hers were there to meet him.
