The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103866   Message #3127768
Posted By: Mysha
03-Apr-11 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Tag (the game)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Tag (the game)

In Dutch, "tikkertje spelen", which is: play "tikkertje". "-tje" is the diminutive suffix, and "-er(d)" is the suffix for the actor, leaving for the action "tik" (as an imperative or 1st person). It might derive from English "tig", as that g doesn't exist in Dutch. It might also stem from "tikken" in the sense of "to tick", a short, noticeable touch, though for some reason in Dutch that's only from around 1600.

In Frisian "tikboartsje", with "boartsje" being "to play" (child's play, rather than theatre). It would not have come from English directly, as Frisian does have the same g as English, but it could have come by way of Dutch. Then again, it might have been in our language much longer: In old Frisian there's "tigta", to point out someone, in the sense of accusing or blaming them. Have we been trying to pass the blame around all this time?

Viracocha : It's always: who gets caught takes your place, otherwise the games unbalances.

Guest Anonymous : The Zombies could tag (over here), but they had to stay in character, meaning a single zombie could easily be evaded, but zombies teaming up would get more and more difficult. Probably something that was inspired by the Living Dead films.
