The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3127872
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Apr-11 - 05:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
C'mon Keith - you're shifting ground,
Up to now you've shadowboxed with haymakers that take in the British Pakistani population a a whole (by implication, if not directly), now you appear to narrowing your field a little
There are explanations other than race or culture for any supposed over-representation in specific areas - and incidentally, why there appears to be no visible problem in the south of England. The picture you have painted hints at the population as a whole or at least the North and Midlands - it is people like you and the BNP who leap on the Paki-pervert bandwagon.
"A massive over-representation..."
Over-representation of what - one and a half million?
"We know from many other sources that this is overwhelmingly a crime of BPs."
We know no such thing; we know Pakistanis are involved but we still have no way of judging to what extent.
We know the procuring and rape of young people, far from being "overwhelmingly......" is as old as sex itself; it is part of our history, literature, our British culture, our entertainment even - didn't you ever follow The Bill or The Vice, or Waking the Dead, or Silent Witness......?.
A month or so ago there was a swoop on paedophile rings throughout Britain, with massive success; want to take money on how many of them were Pakistani - muslim - Africans (disease-ridden and not worthy of treatment, as you described them).
Now figures - I'll lay you one and a half million - what are you holding as being "overwhelmingly a crime of BPs."
And one more time - Straw rejected any connection with race, trial judges and police did likewise, your own 'witnesses' warned about making any racial connection..... it seems that this thread is not the only place you are on your own (save for the dormant dormouse in the teapot).
"Is there anything to explain? "
There have always been things to explain.
Why are paedophiles paedophiles - why are racists racists - why people attempt to win these arguments by hiding behind vaguaries and by adjusting facts to win arguments, why some people appear to take perverted satisfaction when another batch of raped children is discovered (a sort of paedophelia-by-proxy as far as I'm concerned) - personally I don't understand any of it.
Lively - know how you feel, but it saves paying out for emetics when reading the Thoughts of Chairman Keith does the same job.

Jim Carroll