The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136892 Message #3128460
Posted By: gnu
04-Apr-11 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing!
Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing!
Obviously scripted but nonetheless amazing.
I recall a demo at a mall here years ago. The karate guys broke all kindsa stuff with various parts of their bodies. The small Kung Fu guy (J, from Hong Kong) took one of their boards, balanced it on the fingertips of his thumb, forefinger and middle finger and broke it with his other hand and said, "Boards do not fight back." He launched into a kata and, at breakneck speed, demo'd his athletic prowess. He then sparred with six of his students, three of which ended up bleeding.
He now works as an engineering tech at Coop Atlantic and laughs about the money he made teaching kids Kung Fu back in the day..."At least they got some exercise for their money. Silly Casnadians."