The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136892 Message #3129068
Posted By: alanabit
05-Apr-11 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing!
Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing!
It is a clever piece of film and nothing more. I do not believe that anyone who has played table tennis seriously and done martial arts would be taken in by it. The table tennis ball would have been smashed to pieces if it had been hit by one of those things. Those guys looked like proper table tennis players to me and even a good player would have been hard pushed to return some of those services. Bruce Lee was obviously very good at martial arts and he definitely popularised them. However, I am not a subscriber to the "Bruce Lee" superman cult. I do not think that does any service to either his memory or the cause of martial arts in general.