The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136892   Message #3129176
Posted By: gnu
05-Apr-11 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing!
Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing!
Stringsinger... indeed, violence is sickening. However, there are nasty people in the world and it is necessary to fight them at times. Therefore, inciting young people to commit acts of violence in the name of punsishment as a deterrence and in defending the meek is thought necessary by most societies. Such is not condoning violence, it is glorifying standing up to bullies. I realize it is far more complex but I don't have the time or credentials to engage in a dissertation nor to argue about it. Fact is, Bruce went after the bad guys... Jackie, Clint, Charles, Ahhnold... they'll all be bock.