The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136855   Message #3129511
Posted By: Bill D
05-Apr-11 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: What's Up With God These Days???
Subject: RE: BS: What's Up With God These Days???
"'Morality', is the result of hearing from Him. "...etc...

Well.... ummm..... I kinda FEEL moral, even without your definition.

"...once you have a REAL experience with Him, at His choosing..."

I'm not sure whether to quibble with "REAL" or the idea that 'He' just hasn't bothered with me yet.

I actually never expected YOU, GfS, to move from just debating/discussing various issues to plain old preaching. What you believe in is your business, but you need to be VERY aware that there is a good reason that it is CALLED 'belief', and that what you believe is simply not obviously true to everyone.
I can 'respect' others' beliefs, but at the same time I can be quite ...... (looking for the right words..) 'resentful'?... no, more like 'insulted', that anyone would suggest that I am just ignorant, or stubborn or deluded...or whatever.. because I *think* about these things and do not just accept the admonition to "...get out of the way, and let Him do things THROUGH you!"
   That is a slippery way of saying "be quiet and let us believers tell you what WE know to be the **truth**!"

I BEGAN in a church.... I found problems with having theology spoon-fed to me, and have spent 'about' 55 years now sorting out how to approach it all...from detailed studies of comparative religion to graduate studies in Philosophy...and 12-15 years of comparing notes here at Mudcat. *wry smile*

There is only a small difference in 'flavor' between what Little Hawk expounds and what YOU just told me. Those 55 years have sensitized me to the similarities....

I often wonder where this 'sanity' is that you reside in, but I'm beginning to get an inkling of your basic neighborhood.
