The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136855   Message #3129527
Posted By: GUEST,999
05-Apr-11 - 11:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: What's Up With God These Days???
Subject: RE: BS: What's Up With God These Days???
Ain't my place to say, but that's never stopped me before. I do not get along with GfS, nor GfS with me. Point finale. I can live with that. BUT, when GfS speaks what he/she perceives to be a truth, Kant, Nietzsche, whoever, matters less than GfS's truth at the time it's said.

I respect that you are much smarter than I will ever be, Bill. However, I've been in the presence of extremely smart people before, and sometimes they have been wrong.

When people read Jacob Bronowski's "The Ascent of Man" and subject it to miniscule philosophical examination, it loses some of its impact. His remark about people being turned into numbers affected me. I don't mean you haven't understood it, but I do mean we have not internalized it in the same way.

GfS accused me a few days back of being drunk or stoned or both when I posted a something to a new-found friend of his/hers. I was neither. And that's why I will have nothing to do with him or her. I can live with that also. But you, being as smart as you are should know better. I don't give a rat's ass what any of the philosophers said. They were just people like us trying to find their way. That was written as one guy to another.


PS I ain't drunk or stoned now, either. But I'll fix that in a few minutes.