The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3129690
Posted By: MGM·Lion
06-Apr-11 - 05:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Jim: I feel bound as a friend to point out that the tone of your posts [CAPS EVERYWHERE!] and their abusive content ~ 'scumbag, shit, bastard ...' ~ appear to an impartial observer [which is what I have endeavoured to be on this thread, honestly] increasingly hysterical ~~ counter-productively> so, and in danger of undermining your case. Keith has remained cool throughout and has not resorted at any point to such name-calling, and I genuinely feel this contrast can only damage your position.

We can all see that this is a topic on which you feel deeply; but as I have implied before, I think there may be a danger that this is preventing your seeing the issues clearly or responding rationally to some of them.

I honestly think it would be to your advantage to take a step back and a deep breath...

And I sincerely hope this does not sound too patronising or grandmother-sucking-eggs-ish.

