The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3129711
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-Apr-11 - 06:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Sorry Mike,
I've had just about enough of this guy- he's more than proved his 'sincerity' by his behaviour on this thread, both with evasiveness, open cheating and with innuendo - as here.
If he expects respect and to be taken seriously he has to extend the same to those with whom he's he's debating.
I've had over two years of this from him, occasionally losing my rag, but mostly attempting to follow his twists and turns with honest answers.
His latest cynical hand-wringing hypocracy just about does it for me.
I'll happily debate this, or any topic with you and virtually anybody who has participated in this thread, whether I agree with your points of view or not, but personally, I find Keith too toxic for my stomach.
As for name calling - I think we've all done our share of that; Keith mainly by innuendo and deliberate misrepresentation - making us all out a s liars, idiots and heartless bastards who support extremist child rapists, or at the very least, are happy to ignore their behaviour in order to put forward some political agenda - which is exactly what he is doing at the present time.
Jim Carroll