The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26157 Message #312976
Posted By: Lepus Rex
05-Oct-00 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: 'Offensive' words in song lyrics
Subject: RE: 'Offensive' words in song lyrics
I find the term 'chink' pretty damned offensive. Right up there with 'gook' and 'nigger.' I think it's silly to compare it to terms like 'frog,' 'limey,' 'gerry,' 'kraut,' etc. 'Frogs' and 'krauts' aren't singled out and persecuted by right-wing extremists and politicians, while 'chinks' and 'gooks' are.
I remember Ross Perot, last pres. election, giving a speech at some college. He pulled out a list of donors to the Democratic party, and read off a bunch of obviously east Asian names. He then said something like "Do those sound like the names of Americans to you? I don't think so." And there was hardly anybody who protested it, because Asians are 'safe' targets, apparently. If it had been Blacks or Jews he had mentioned, we all know what would have happened: protests, apologies, hour-long news specials...
Another example: You still occaisionally see white folks made up like Asians on tv and the movies, usually in the role of an Asian despot or crime lord that I'm guessing no Asian actors would touch. And anyone remember 'Kung-Fu?' But how often do you see someone in blackface on tv?
And if you don't find 'chink' offensive, if you live such a secluded, sheltered life that you don't meet any of 'those people,' maybe you should look out your goddamned window and see that even though you live some pampered, privelidged white-boy existence, not everyone has the same luxury in this world. No offense:)