The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3129898
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-Apr-11 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"Where has Keith used my 'name-calling of Lox"
"Stinkilox – CrapLox – ObnoxiousLoxious - Poxy-Loxy-Woxy – SilliLox –PsychoLox - SickoLox"
"Bastard Lox - Ludicrous Lox! - Obnoxious Lox - obnoxious Lox – ludicrous Lox - ridiculous Lox - ridiculous Lox"

Not commenting on the quality you understand, or even the usage, - there but for the grace......! just the lack of imagination on Keith's part in not developing his own style of invective (is that the word).
And this is the last time I'm trawling through this swam looking for stuff that is either flatly denied or ignored.
".....that they have all been raped by gangs of BPs, and none say different, how can you deny that it is mainly a crime of BPs?"
Because they are crimes committed by ALL RACES, CREEDS and COLOURS and to claim them as "mainly a Pakistani" crime is SIMPLY NOT THE CASE.
Jim Carroll