The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136495   Message #3130613
Posted By: Charley Noble
07-Apr-11 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bombing of Tripoli March-April, 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Bombing of Tripoli has just begun
Getting back to Libya. Evidently the NATO air strikes that the Rebels have been calling for have resulted in another incident in which Rebel fighters were injured or killed (from Al Jazeera):

"A NATO air attack has hit a Libyan rebel position near the eastern oil town of Brega, killing at least five fighters, according to rebel fighters and a hospital worker.

Thursday's attack also left at least 10 others wounded, witnesses and correspondents of the AFP news agency said.

Medical workers carried uniforms soaked in blood from one of hospital rooms. And some rebel fighters were weeping on their knees in the corridor.

It was the second time in less than a week that rebels blamed NATO for bombing their comrades by mistake. Thirteen died in an air raid not far from the same spot on Saturday.

A Reuters news agency reporter saw bloodstained stretchers being brought out of the hospital in Ajdabiya, where those wounded in the attack were being treated.

Ajdabiya lies about 80km from Brega."

"We were standing by our tanks and NATO fired two rockets at us," said one, Salem Mislat. "NATO are liars. They are siding with Gaddafi."

Such incidents will unfortunately be unavoidable as Gadhafi troops position more of their tanks and other heavy firepower within civilian areas. The civil war will only get more brutal.

Charley Noble