The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3131133
Posted By: Jim Carroll
08-Apr-11 - 04:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
More glee for Keith:
In context:
This took place 8 years ago.
Two Pakistani kebab takeaway owners were said to have been involved and put on trial.
It was found they had no case to answer and the trial collapsed ie; they were innocent and were compensated for having been wrongly accused.
Some police are now claiming that the reason they did not do their job properly in the first place was that they feared accusaions of racism.
End of story - which in no way implicates the British Pakistani population as a whole - back to square one.
Incidentally, Ake could have put up all the information yesteday - there were a number of sources he could have chosen, such as fascist publications like The White Supremist (think that's the name, but it might be the organisation - speaks for itself though) who have called for their members to 'move into Blackpool and sort things out'.
Wisely, Ake chose not to go there as it would have put this discussion were it truely belongs.
Said I wasn't going to be involved again, and I'm not, but I thought you should know where we stand
Jim Carroll