The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136314   Message #3131672
Posted By: Charley Noble
08-Apr-11 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Japan Nuclear plant disaster, 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Nuclear plant disaster looming
And evidently folks here don't want to leap ahead as I did this morning and contemplate the meltdown of a nuclear reprocessing plant. Actually I don't blame you. It's most likely horrific and I'd have to work really hard to come up with appropriate terms to describe it. And maybe, we'll all get lucky and they'll re-connect the Aomori Plant to the grid. I certainly hope so.

I also agree with Donuel that the explosion we saw on video for reactor Unit 3 appeared to be more than a hydrogen explosion. But that won't be confirmed for years. Just remember what we've said.

Charley Noble