The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136957   Message #3131805
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
09-Apr-11 - 06:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Books - Best Opening Lines Ever
Subject: RE: BS: Books - Best Opening Lines Ever
Chapter One: 'It's My Fucking Head!'

"Billy Connolly, twenty-two-year-old reluctant welder, tattered troubadour and 'See-you-Jimmy' jokester, sauntered cheerfully down Renfrew Street looking for a pint."

Taken from 'Bravemouth' by Pamela Stephenson
(the biography of her husband.)

2nd sentence:

"In his bull's-blood velvet trousers, brown leather reindeer boots with curled up toes, black-and-white-striped Tunisian duffel coat and haywire hairdo, he was quite a sight for the generally conservative folks he passed outside Woolworth;s, the dance hall and the bagpipe-maker's shop....."
