The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3131873
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-Apr-11 - 08:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"Your whole case is that I am a bad person."
No – our whole case is that you have no evidence to back up your 'culture' or 'mainly a British Pakistani crime', or 'tip of the iceberg' claims, and are unable to think outside of your racist box.
(One more time), can't do this using sound-bites so anybody still remotely interested, (especially Keith) is just going to have to lie back and think of England!
We have no idea what the 'imbalance' is, or even if it exists at all – we have random reports from specific but unnamed and unquantified areas – no figures, nor any details other than the minute handfuls of reported cases from a population of one and a half million.
If I was burgled tomorrow, that would make me a victim of burglary, not an expert on the crime – that takes research, so any constant appeal to "listen to the victims", is pointless; they can only tell us what has happened to them, no more, no less, and Keith know it and it is little more than amateur theatricals on his part to try and undo some of the damage you did to your case with your obscenely gleeful reception of Lively's information – and you bloody well know this as well
Unlike Keith, I have not been prepared to speculate on the topic because we simply don't have the details necessary to reach a coherent conclusion and I certainly am not prepared to lay it at the door of ethnicity or culture.
But I do have some experience of working with another minority group – the Travellers.
When we started to work with Irish Travellers in London they were a still a fairly isolated community, essentially rural dwellers visiting the city with a strong culture of their own and strong family ties. The main recorded crime among them was driving without tax and insurance, with some opportunist petty theft thrown in (scrap metal etc). Within five years this had changed completely; they had become urban dwellers and (particularly the youngsters) had taken on board many of the worst habits and values of the host community, major theft, drugs and violence.
We have no reason to believe that this has not been the case with the British Pakistani population.
We know two things for certain about them;
a. That they are four times more likely to be harassed, persecuted and assaulted, thanks to the endemic nature of racism in Britain – look it up.
b. That they are almost certainly the most impoverished of all the social groups in Britain (with one possible exception) – look it up.
The outcome of both of these facts are (a) that they have been forced to move into ghetto-like communities, largely for self-protection.
(b) The places they have settled in are low-priced and run-down, with sub-standard housing and poor general amenities, in areas of high unemployment and low spending power and political influence– Thatcher's legacy to the North of England.
The politicians who created these holes and continue to allow them to exist without improvement, including ex Home Secretaries like Jack Straw, have made few attempts to change conditions for the better in these places and have only shown an interest at election times or when certain events attract wider attention and become an embarrassment.
These are depressed areas of low self-esteem; breeding grounds for street vice, petty crime and degradation – I know because I grew up in one of them (somewhat different in those days, as sex hadn't become the readily accessible and marketable commodity it now is).
To suggest, as Keith has done persistently, that the grooming and pimping of young women is the province of Pakistani communities, "a new offence", "a massive over representation" underage or otherwise, is a nonsense; he is well aware of this and yet has constantly ignored it when it has been pointed out here.
We know that parents have always told their children "don't speak with strangers" from time immemorial, or refused to let them walk to school, but insist on driving them there. Watching out for 'the scoutmaster' has been a running joke throughout my life; as was being careful of the oddball characters (Charlie Yarbo – when I was a kid) who wanted to do strange things to you.
The latest 'star' of the Conservative party, (a teacher whose name escapes me) has crawled into the limelight with her outright condemnation of the lower class education system; part of that condemnation has been that the schools are hot-beds (pun intended) of underage sex, in and out of school, consentual or otherwise.
This is not just a UK based problem, in Ireland we are still coming to terms with a long term (possibly over a century) and widespread outbreak of clerical abuse, where priests have taken advantage of their exalted position to groom and abuse children under their care. The Magdalene Laundries, where the 'bad girls' were sent to, have yet to be enquired into, but it is a regular claim that some of the girls were groomed by those over them and put at the disposal of some of the wealthier patrons in return for donations to the institutions.
Internet grooming of underage children of both sexes in Britain has reached epic proportions; a few weeks ago there was a massive swoop by police in Britain and Europe with the largest number of arrests ever.
The introduction and increased use of date-rape drugs like rohypnol are all part of the grooming process, and as far as we know they have no connection whatever to Pakistani culture.
Sex of all shapes and sizes has become an extremely marketable commodity; it sells newspapers and magazines, it has its own television channels and websites, it sells DVDs...... it is big business writ bigger.
To attempt to separate the different types of grooming and pimping is a nonsense; it's the same play on different stages with different scenery – one quite often being an upmarket/downmarket version of the other.
Place any "testosterone driven" young men into these situations, no matter what their cultural or ethnic origins, and you are bound to draw out predators and criminals who will prey on underage girls – Straw knew it and said it, and Keith knows it and removed it from his quote.
Why is there an over-representation of Pakistanis in cases of underage grooming and abuse?
We don't know that there is outside a tiny handful of areas mentioned in a tiny handful of hearsay statements by a tiny handful of field workers and politicians – all over which can be explained variously; e.g. a coincidentally larger number of Pakistanis moving into these area who are morally inclined to such behaviour, an existing indigenous thriving sex industry taken over by the newcomers,   inadequate or, more likely, non-existant research being replaced by superficial observation on the part of those reporting the situation…. a whole bunch of reasons,.
What is this over-representation – one in ten, one in a hundred, one in a thousand, one in ten thousand…….?
What are the sizes of these areas, whole cities, towns, districts, streets……?
What are the prevailing conditions?
Do the areas have a history of underage sex abuse or is it a new phenomenon?
Until these and many other questions can be answered by knowledgeable authorities on the subject with properly researched data to back up their conclusions, the persistent asking for an explanation is like asking "how long is a piece of string" – it is a cynical exercise in point-scoring by somebody with a not very well hidden agenda.
One thing we do know for sure – none of this has anything whatever to do with ethnicity, culture or race, otherwise it would have manifested itself in every Muslim community in Britain and not the isolated areas that have so far been reported on.
There – that's my limit of experience, understanding and opinion; let's hear yours Keith – or not, as the case will almost certainly be - unless you can find a convenient cut-'n-paste.   
Jim Carroll