The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3132268
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Apr-11 - 02:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"Still waiting for any of you to post evidence against the over-representation."
No you're not Keith - you've had suggestions throughout this thread and you've ignord them - you've had mine and you have not attempted to address one single point, I doubt that you've even read it. You are alone in your ignorance and your bigotry.
In return you've offered nothing, not even an attempt to analyse your own cut-'n-pastes; just a parrot repeating of 'I am only obeying orders'
You entered this thread knowing nothing, you go away from it knowing nothing - and you offer nothing exept sick-making triumphalism when you think you might have scored a point.
"They should be a minority of offenders."
They are a minority of offenders - the bit you edited out of the Straw statement said as much and your total failure to deliver one single piece of information essental to judge how and if they are 'over-represented' backs up that statement totally.
If this long, vicious thread has proved anything, it has shown what a sad, empty, unpleasant and dishonest individual you are.
You have no evidence, you have no knowledge, you don't even have opinions of your own - "They were made by people who know more about this crime than all of us put together.".
A hollow man.
Lox may wish to waste his time on you - I don't.
Jim Carroll