The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5468   Message #31337
Posted By:
24-Jun-98 - 09:01 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen/Raisins and Almonds
Subject: RE: Rasins and Almonds
It is a Yiddish Lullabye. I can't remember the words. There is a book called "Roesinke und Mandeln" (meaning Raisins and Almonds) published in German which has that and many other Yiddish songs. I don't have a copy anymore.

In the Orthodox synagogue, in those old sexist days,the women were not allowed in the main area, but they had a "peanut gallery" up above. There was one ceremony, where the little boys are supposed to have reached a certain point in their religious development (not the Bar Mitzvah--that is when they are no longer little boys.) The women shower the little fellers with small bags of raisins and almonds from above. It is a traditional gift for boys who reached that stage.

So the lullabye is the mother telling her infant son how proud she will be of him someday.

I am really embarassed at not remembering more about it. I actually took part in the ceremony when I was a child.
