The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136861   Message #3134140
Posted By: bradfordian
13-Apr-11 - 02:47 AM
Thread Name: New Mudcat CDs Phase 2 Pre-Production
Subject: RE: New Mudcat CDs Phase 2 Pre-Production
MGAS, You can edit and re-send, nothing in Stone just yet.

Although I am initial contact point, there are (So far) three mud-elves cross checking details and chasing up missing info, notes, lyrics etc.


MUD-ELF ---3 Postions
Job description:
For ONE of the CDs, obtain and verify song/performer details, sleeve/liner nots, and lyrics (tunes are excused this part)

Salary: Tons and tons of job satisfaction credits
(No pension scheme, no sick pay, but lots and lots of friends)
