The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137057 Message #3134282
Posted By: Bobert
13-Apr-11 - 08:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert's Great News (Olds)....
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert's Great News (Olds)....
No dogs in the pool, Magz... But he can visit and swim in the pond all he wants....
How's it going???
Hmmmmmmm??? Well, 95% of the stuff that needs to be boxed up is boxed up... We're still not sure on the final move date... There are a number of things, including some painting, thorough cleaning and carpets shampooing that needs to be done prior to the move... Plus, "The Boys" who are buying our farm have no interest in our woods gardens and are going to let it grow back so we're going to have one final party for our Azalea Society folks when the azaleas are in bloom for them to dig whatever they want....
Sounds like the 1st of 2nd week of May before we take all the furniture down and set up shop in NC...
Meanwhile, I have a line on a tow company to move my 1953 Spartanette trailer/studio and Kubota tractor as one of the last things to go, too...
Guess I'm getting there... At least I got my Toyota truck already down there so I have transportation, other than my gas-hog box truck, during the times I am down there with it... Best I can tell is that it's going to take 6 trips with the box truck so I have 4 more to go...