The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26198   Message #313438
Posted By: Peter T.
06-Oct-00 - 08:59 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day, Oct 6,00
Subject: Thought for the Day, Oct 6,00
Try that again:


We are mortal enemies.
All who know us, know we do not speak,
Will not go anywhere the other does,
And will not hear the other's name at all.
Our closest friends and families do not meet;
Or if they do, they spit out curses
With their grape seeds in the marketplace.
No one now recalls the ancient slight
That caused the wall to come between us.
Who cares? The long tradition holds
And stretches back before the springs of time.
Occasionally, some fool who has not heard
Or some fresh fusser from either clan
Will have a brand-new go --
And at the accidental plotted tea,
Dinner, reconciliation dance --
We, glittering in hostility,
Ensure that our intrepid go-between
Drops darkly to a glacial grave.
And so we watch each other's circling camp,
Surveying through the darkling blood of night
Our forces ranged and warmed by icy fires,
Fueled by the eternal flame of hate.
Before the battle royal comes again
--While ignorant sentries doze on watch --
We pick our way across our no man's land,
And as the morning comes, at last, we
Betray ourselves into each other's aching arms --
As we have done on O so many bitter nights
Since first we fell immortally in love.
