The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3135016
Posted By: Jim Carroll
14-Apr-11 - 08:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"Do not try to claim that some imaginary rules remove any requirement of evidence from you."
No imaginary rules - the burden of proof lies entirely with the accuser - how could it be otherwise, expecially as you have not provided an iota of evidence to back up your claims of over-representation or massive over-representation, nor do you intend to do so.
How can we disprove what you have not proved
"You claim there are more than many hundreds, but you choose not to produce them."
I merely totted up the cases you have provided so far and pointed out that they wouldn't even make the needle twitch - it is up to you to substantiate your claims. Any nasty little racist can make unsubstantiated claims implicating any section of the population - they have in the past and they no doubt will continue to do in the future - just as you are doing here.
"Can you help Jim find the many thousands of non BP cases needed to make BPs minority offenders?"
Don't need any help - I have already done this here - internet grooming by non-Pakistanis alone would put your pitiful numbers into non-existence, and that's without counting the street grooming, outside schools, childrens parks and playgrounds, date rape drugs - that is part of indigenous British culture and history and has been from time immemorial - even Jack Straw admitted it in his statement.
As you have been accused on every thread I've met you on, you deliberately fail to read what others have posted because you have no answer.
Where is your evidence of "over-representation or massive over-representation?" It is your accusation - prove it.
And your continued rhetoric of my being ridiculous continues to make me believe that evidence does not exist and you are substituting it for real argument - if I am ridiculous, we are all ridiculous - why have you no support here?
Jim Carroll