The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3135176
Posted By: Jim Carroll
14-Apr-11 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Jim, if you want to bring in unrelated crimes, you will just create a new debate."
I won't have to do anything of the sort - and coming from someone who has deliberately manipulated a thread from one on Muslim prejudice into an attack on British Pakistanis, you have to be joking!!! When will you understand that YOU DO NOT OWN THIS THREAD.
You are still failing to provide any proof to your claims and attempting to keep this thread within your self-confessed ignorant comfort zone.
Grooming is grooming, the only difference is the stage on which it takes place. On street grooming has been part of street life for as long as we have had streets - today it is believed to be one of the one of the main ways that the Eastern European gangs stock up on victims.
Apart from anything else, attempting to discriminate between different types of grooming in realation to cultural groups is the equivilent of saying you're only going to count left handed groomers - read my preveios letter on the matter.   
"I do not dispute what you say about internet grooming and loner grooming, but the numbers of victims are comparatively small."
The last swoop on internet abuse alone netted something like 5 times the number of criminals being discussed here.
"Lox, the over-rep is a matter of fact."
NO IT ISN'T - you are the only one claiming it - prove it. Good old Dr Goebells technique of repeating a lie until it becomes accepted YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE CLAIMING THIS AND YOU ARE REFUSING TO PROVIDE PROOF TO BACK IT UP - IT IS PART OF YOUR RACIST PSYCHE - IT IS NOT TRUE - WERE IS YOUR PROOF OF IT AND WHO ELSE IS SAYING IT APART FROM YOU???
You are still failing to produce any evidence for your claims - so lets play it your way
You are a racist who has decided to mount an attack on the British Pakistani population. In order to do so you have manufactured a case for there being an over -representation (a massive one, you have repeated 28 times). You have done this in order to project your own racist prejudices.
Much of this is self evident from your massive number of contributions, but even if it weren't, I would have no need whatever to justify my statement as you do not feel the need to justify your continual racist ones - where do we go from here?.
"Jim used BP as an abbreviation in one of his posts."
Absolutely pathetic, justifying your general approach by using one slip on my part (my having picked up on your constant repetition of the term), just as you did when you doctored Jack Straw's statement.
Jim Carroll