The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26172   Message #313541
Posted By: Barbara Shaw
06-Oct-00 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: CT Mudcats: Rick Fielding's coming
Subject: RE: CT Mudcats: Rick Fielding's coming
Hi folks! Rick, we were going to invite you and Heather to our Branford Folk Music Society "house hoot" on Friday the 13th, but I see that you are otherwise engaged, and now so are we. . .

We'd like to make it to Glastonbury on Saturday. Where the heck is Glastonbury?

As for the "parking problems," I put shades up on the garage windows which face the source of the problem, and have planted several arborvitaes. That seems to have solved the immediate problem of confrontation, along with the occasional well-placed rhetorical expletive, which has tended to keep the source of the problem indoors.