The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3135675
Posted By: Lox
15-Apr-11 - 08:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"56 people have been convicted of that crime."

There goes the Alzheimers again.

No they haven't Keith, they have been convicted of Trafficking and rape.

Please try and remember.

"I did not "propose" any explanations."

What about your hypothesis?

Straw et al talked about young men fizzing and popping with testosterone.

Only you argued that Pakistanis are culturally predisposed to kidnapping annd raping underage girls.

Only you stated that generally they are able to overcome this urge.

That was a suggestion that you proposed.

"I have no reason to doubt them"

Even though the victims said that it wasn't young men? When Jack Straw cryer etc said it was?

But I forgot - you don't accept that their opposing viewpoints are in any way contradictory.

So the fact that they do categorically contradict each other is not grounds for doubt.

Regardless of the fact that none of them is qualified to make psychological diagnoses about any individual, let alone a whole racial demographic.

No - they are all prominent politicians and journalists and we know for a fact that politicians and joutnalists nevr tell lies or capitalize on hot topics for their own personal Gain.

Long may they reign!

Hip hip - hooray.