The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3135680
Posted By: Lox
15-Apr-11 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
So to clarify,

Keith proposes a slightly different cultural explanation to Straw, Cryer et al.

And it is founded on the idea that Pakistanis are overrepresented in the crime of street grooming.

And it is that there is an inherent problem with Pakistani culture in Britain.

Even Ake doesn't share this view.

He thinks its about Moslem culture and isn't specific to Pakistanis.

While Keith states that Moslem culture is not to blame, these crimes being a symptom of a Pakistani cultural problem.

As for Abbreviations, I'm surprised Keith that you don't just abbreviate your whole argument as you have repeated the same points ad nauseam for weeks and weeks now without making any attempt to engage your brain with them.

Just think of all the time you would save.

We would know exactly which arguments you were repeating as we know them off by heart having heard you chant them over and over again.

I've heard of a captain going down with his ship, but who'd want to set sail on one so full of holes.

I can see you, clinging to the flag pole ... at the bottom of the ocean ... remaining firm ... "I will not respond" ...

You silly stubborn old fool.