The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137166   Message #3135837
Posted By: GUEST,Alan Whittle
15-Apr-11 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: What tune is Copperhead Road?
Subject: What tune is Copperhead Road?
Recently Tony Dean of No Fixed Abode was stopping with me on NFA's travels, and he was sitting on the sofa picking an attractive little tune in DADGAD.

I recognised it immediately as the music from the buffalo hunting scene in the Kevin Costner movie Wyatt Earp. i asked Tony what the tune was, and i was surprised when he said it was Copperhead Roaad.

When i was writing line dance music a few years ago, a publisher sent me a line dance compilation for inspiration, with Copperhead road, by a long shot the best track on the album, and with a big Phil Collins type drum sound. I'd heard Steve earle's solo version with the mandolin at Cambridge and not really been excited by it - to say the least.

However I remember thinking at the first time I heard the music on Wyatt Earp that James newton Howard had been influenced in this case by Copeland and his use of traditional melodies. So, I've been wondering - is the tune really well known in American trad sessions?

A bit like the Masons apron in England?