The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3136232
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
16-Apr-11 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"They say "It ranges from them being given accommodation in return for sexual activities through to being exploited through more 'formal' exploitation."

That covers much more than just on-street grooming.

Stabbing is not a separate crime, but it is a crime.
So is on-street grooming.
Why do you deny it?

Sex crimes are mostly committed by the majority group.
On-street grooming is mostly committed by BPs.

Straw does not say testosterone is a particular issue for BPs.
He does say that this crime is.
That is what started this furore, and he has not changed his mind.
Your link tells us that.
Thank you.