The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3136287
Posted By: Lox
16-Apr-11 - 08:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"Stabbing is not a separate crime, but it is a crime.
So is on-street grooming.
Why do you deny it?"

Another Non Sequitir, followed by more alzheimers and a bit of making shit up.

1."Stabbing is not a separate crime, but it is a crime."

Murder is a crime.

You cannot be convicted of Murder and stabbing.

ABH with intent to injure is a crime.

You cannot be convicted of ABH(witi) 'and' stabbing

The stabbing is merely the method by which you commit the murder or the ABH.

2. "So is on-street grooming. Why do you deny it?"

Dando clarify that it is not a crime type.

you cannot be convicted of Grooming 'and' street grooming.

Shall we examine the law?

What constitutes grooming in law?

"the offender must either have met or communicated with the child on two previous occasions;
the offender must then either meet the child or travel with the intention of meeting the child; and
at that time, the offender has the intention of committing a relevant sexual offence. "

Well thats pretty clear isn't it.

Where Keith, apart from online, do you think an offender meet a child for the first time ?

On a bus? in a park? on the street? in a shopping mall?

I'd say all of the above.

Do you think "bus Grooming" or "park grooming" should be recognized as crimes to Keith?

Or would that just be silly?

I think that would be very silly.

Why don't you stop being silly now Keith.