The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137106   Message #3136373
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
16-Apr-11 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Removing Bermuda Grass
Subject: RE: BS: Removing Bermuda Grass
If you hit it often enough with vinegar and orange oil it will fade out, but you need to be diligent. It only kills the growing green part, and you need to outlast those persistent rhizomes. I hate the stuff. Physical removal does work, but you must be patient. Janie probably had the most accurate response.

Wouldn't use Roundup if you paid me, though. The only place I've ever used that is in the poison ivy, where the reaction is so strong that I have to get a shot to deal with it now.

Down here in Texas St. Augustine will crowd out the Bermuda grass, but it usually crowds it into the flower beds. :-/ And you have to use so much water to keep the St. Augustine alive that it isn't worth it.