The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3136796
Posted By: Lox
17-Apr-11 - 08:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Sorry Keith,

Nearly, but no cigar.

You said that Pakistanis were predisposed to rape.

Cryer said it was a cultural problem.

The victims said it was a problem of organized crime.

"I choose to believe the victims."

Neither of the above assertions is even addressed by this news.

The notion of some endemic cultural psychological issue being solved overnight is just more deranged fantasy.

A much more plausible explanation is that awareness was raised of Pakistani organized crime gangs by the recent media furore, and indeed by Imams etc, which, in combination with recent arrests etc, has resulted in the gangs shutting down their trafficking activities.

Organized criminals don't take unnecessary risks, they commit crime they think they will get away with.

Media and community scrutiny are not good for organized crime.

They are still there, still dealing cocaine etc (or did you think that having cocaine lying around is a cultural thing too), but they are laying low because of what is effectively a huge neighbourhood watch initiative.

Here's the rub Keith,

If this was a cultural issue, if the alleged predominance of Pakistani men were symptomatic of that, then once the gangs were stopped, we would not have seen such a radical change.

The fact that the gangs being stopped in their tracks had made such a difference supports my view, and the victims clear consistent testimony, that this was an organized crime issue and not a cultural one.