The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26187   Message #313680
Posted By: GUEST,Phil Cooper
06-Oct-00 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Rise Up Jock (Bob Pegg)
Subject: RE: Add: Rise Up Jock: original version
Dear Malcolm,

As a big Bob Pegg fan, thanks for the thread. We got in trouble recently at a coffeehouse gig where we sang Bob's song, "Fiddler's Cross." Some fundamentalist youth took exception. They asked if we knew any trad or trad based songs about God, so we sang "The Bitter Withy." They were not amused and left shortly thereafter. I found that we had trouble making "Rise Up Jock" go over with audiences we sing for, so we haven't done it for years. Maybe it's time to dust it off, to see if we can pull it off now.
