The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3137039
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
17-Apr-11 - 05:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"The victims said it was a problem of organized crime."

"the victims clear consistent testimony, that this was an organized crime issue and not a cultural one."

"I choose to believe the victims."

I remind you Lox, that the victims are terrified children.
They are not going to be speculating about the motivation of their tormentors.
It is despicable of you to twist their testimony to suit your warped, worthless agenda.

Of course the perpetrators are organised gangs.
And they are BPs.

As soon as it was acknowledged, in one town, that this crime had an ethnic dimension, action could be taken.
The overwhelming majority of good and decent people in the community, once made aware of what some were doing, put a stop to it in that town.

Why has it taken so many years to do something?
Because no-one dared say who was doing it.
People like you three were ready to start screaming "RACIST!" at anyone who dared.

A terrible accusation for anyone to deal with.
For anyone in the caring or police services, it would bring a career to a shuddering stop.
And so the abuse of young kids was allowed to go on, year after year, in town after town.

Even on this thread people have been silenced.
From reading his posts you can tell that Lively knew that the over-representation was real, but he was not willing to come out and say it.
Understandably so because of the vile abuse he would receive from you three pompous, posturing Witch-Finder Generals.

Because of people like you, the brutalisation and raping of children has been allowed to go on.
Thousands of young girls sacrificed on the altar of Political Correctness.

Your worthless philosophy can only be made to stand up by lies, deceit and groundless personal attacks on decent people.