The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137212   Message #3137292
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
18-Apr-11 - 07:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Not 'Chavs' but Poor
Subject: RE: BS: Not 'Chavs' but Poor
Many of the supermarkets at present are conning their customers even more than usual. ASDA was in the news recently for their 'Rollback' lie, on-line, where they actually raised the price of the item that was supposed to be cheap. Their thinking behind this is that most customers shopping on-line are in a hurry and wouldn't notice the cheap price was crossed out and the more expensive price was written in big numbers to attract the eye's attention.

Cool, huh?

Then there's the Eco-Friendly Co-Op of course, now promoting itself as the most saintly of supermarkets, doing all the goodlygodly deeds abroad for others....Well, they charge more than Tesco's at my local store. 75p for a can of Pedigree Chum, whilst next door in Tesco's it's 52/55p. They also change their prices every week, so some days that dog food will be 75p, then 66p, then back up to 75p again..same with the cat food they sell as well.

All the supermarkets price their stores according to the Postcode area, so you'll find items more expensive in one area than in another..and of course ALL the High Street Stores charge more than the bigger stores, because allegedly they have to pay more rates in the High Street, thus they pass the charge to the customer.

Oh..and by the way, in my local Marks & Spencers, a big store, I found a 6 pack of Pedigree Chum for £2.75, cheaper than anywhere don't be fooled by stores regarded as 'Hey, We Love You POOR Folks!' ones, because they're all run by Corporate Bastards who know that most people can't add up any longer, can't be bothered to ask WHY one, or a thousand, items have gone up in price, or why they're so much more expensive locally.

It's all a con. YOU have to work your way through it, and complain to Les Bastards In Charge.