The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137224   Message #3137720
Posted By: sian, west wales
18-Apr-11 - 05:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Any thoughts on AV? (Alternative Vote)
Subject: RE: BS: Any thoughts on AV?
I'm going to vote for it. It isn't perfect but, as I don't support any party 100% (cuz no party has ever supported me 100%) I like to indicate my 'spectrum' of support in this way.

I also entertain a variation of Micca's rationale: the minute the No campaign claimed we must vote against cuz we're too stoopid to understand it, my heels dug in.

I found the early Media reports also annoying. The "first past the post is the British Way" my foot. We've had a different system in Wales since we've had the Assembly. Not a terrific system either but gives a far more interesting mix. Indeed, the Tories might remember it's the only way they get a look-in in the Assembly. On a positive front too, it played a role in the Assembly being one of the first elected Assemblies with close to a 50/50 female/male balance.

And I have no problem with coalition governments. Yes - it slows the process down. Thank God for that.

I was having this conversation with someone last Friday and couldn't quite work out why, "Wales has had the STD system for years" didn't sound quite right. Single Transferable ... oh. Vote. STV. Right. Similar to the War in Iraq, and the first time I heard a report about exploding IUDs. The things they don't tell us, eh? "No! Don't pull that string ... "
