The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136682   Message #3137861
Posted By: Don Firth
18-Apr-11 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: No such thing as a B-sharp
Subject: RE: No such thing as a B-sharp
Well, knowing the young woman, she was given to snide remarks. But then, it appears Segovia did get around a bit.

From Wikipedia:

"Segovia's first wife was Adelaida Portillo (marriage in 1918). Segovia's second wife (marriage in 1935) was the pianist Paquita Madriguera, who also made some piano roll recordings. From 1944, he maintained a relationship with Brazilian singer and guitarist Olga Praguer Coelho, which was to last for over a decade. Segovia married Emilia Magdalena del Corral Sancho in 1962. [This was the young woman that I met.] They had one son, Carlos-Andrés de Segovia y del Corral."

I heard that sometimes when Segovia was away on concert tour, Emilia would put on one of his recordings, then young Carlos-Andrés, barely more than a toddler, would examine the phonograph very carefully, asking, "Papa? Papa?"

I have one of Olga Coelho's (Brazilian singer) recordings. The liner notes say that Segovia thought rather highly of her. I thought they were talking about her guitar playing. . . .

Don Firth